How To Get The Most Out Of Your Team

In business everyone understands the importance of having teams to achieve greatness. However, most company owners, executives and managers cannot explain the dynamics of putting a winning team together. Even sport teams that win world championships, have a difficult time explaining the mechanics that wins them championship title one year and accepting defeat the following year. Whether you are team leader or a team member, understanding the characteristics of a winning team, will allow you to achieve greatness in whatever it is that you do. Not knowing these principals, are like driving home at night with your car’s headlights off, as you could encounter any number of surprises that will lead your team not to reach its maximum potential.
If you are looking to get the most out of your team members and build a team chemistry that multiplies your team’s productivity & efforts, then you must learn and recognize the timeless and classic laws of teamwork.

The laws work whether you are running a sports team, a hospital, a factory, a financial institution or any branches of the government. The principals are the same and obeying these laws can lead to teams that become independently powerful and can achieve significance. On the other hand violating these laws will lead to lack of productivity, frustration and strong team members leaving the team.
This programs is designed for all owners, C-Level executives, Department heads, Managers and HR personnel, no matter what industry or specialization. Whether you are a team leader or a team member, you can benefit from understanding the principals of a great functioning and a winning team.
Program Objectives
• Learn why teamwork is a process and why you need to learn the process both as a leader as well as a member of a team
• Be able to identify the distinct advantages of a team
• Understand the 3 reasons why some people are not good team players
• Learn how to handle someone when they think they are more important than the team
• Identify the 6 ways to build a unified team
• Recognize the signs when a team member is in the wrong position
• Learn the 3 things you need to place the right team member in the right position
• Find out the 3 questions that you must ask yourself before putting a team together
• Learn the 7 types of challenges and the team you must build to match to those challenges
• Recognize 4 ways to grow a team
• Learn why the strength of your team is impacted by its weakest link • Understand why you must train or trade your weakest link and how it can have negative impact on the rest of your team
• Be able to recognize the importance of having a go to person on each team
• Learn how to communicate the vision and direction for your team effectively
• Recognize the the 5 truths about attitude and how that can affect the team
• Learn the 5 traits that team members must possess in order to stay accountable
• Recognize the price that each member of a winning team must pay in order to win
• Learn why each team must know where they stand and how they perform at all times
• Learn how to predict a winning team
• Recognize the importance communication among team members and 4 ways to do it
• Learn 10 ways to invest in your team

Dr. Allen Nazeri is the CEO/Founder of Business Mastermind Group based in Hong Kong, Bangkok, Dubai & Las Vegas. Dr. Allen is a certified business coach, trainer ,speaker, a founding member and an expert in the field of leadership with the John Maxwell Team. For nearly 25 years, Dr. Allen has been a serial entrepreneur managing and leading people in different types of organizations from start ups to publicly traded companies. Dr. Allen’s passion for subject of leadership started when he failed at the ability to grow his company at the age of 28 beyond certain level financially and faced chaos in his business. This was the beginning of his journey to be educated and mentored by Dr. John Maxwell who helped him raise his leadership lid to a level that he was able to start, grow and manage several multi-million dollar businesses by the time he was 35 years of the age and engage in consulting and training with some of the largest publicly and privately held American companies. Since that time, Dr. Allen has passionately pursued further leadership training with the John Maxwell Team, The Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center as well as the Disney Institute. For the last 10 years he has been involved in teaching practical leadership lessons from his own successes and failures as well as the information gathered by working with some of the most influential and wealthiest men and women in the world.
About The John Maxwell Team
The John Maxwell Team is a leading leadership training organization based in The United States of America and is founded by Dr. John Maxwell, the #1 Leadership expert in the field of leadership and his founding partners such as Dr. Allen Nazeri to bring high quality leadership and management trainings to the people around the world. John C. Maxwell is an internationally respected leadership expert, speaker, trainer, coach and author, whose philosophy is simple: “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” The John Maxwell company and The John Maxwell team have been responsible in educating and equipping leaders in most Fortune 500 companies, US government and are currently working with 22 foreign governments to teach Maxwell philosophy.